OSEA Winter Course Syllabi
Winter Courses Home
Maya Peoples, Cultures and Histories
Culture Concepts and Theories
Seminar in Ethnography
Fieldwork Forum and Ethnographic
Spoken Spanish and Maya for
Ethnographic Fieldwork
OSEA Winter Quarter Seminar in Fieldwork Languages
Spoken Spanish and Maya for Ethnographic Fieldwork
These two courses provide students with the required language foundations
by which to participate in the international ethnography training program.
Fluency in Spanish is mandatory for the conduct of ethnographic fieldwork.
Students can have the course waived if fluency can be demonstrated on-site
in Yucatán. The basic core elements of Yucatec Maya is necessary
for students to learn in order to attain the highest level of acceptance
in the community and to create a personally rewarding environment in
which students can excel in their achievements. Students learn salutations
and a basic set of interactive dialogues that comprise everyday life
encounters. Students can opt for this course to be audited as they choose;
nonetheless, all students are expected to learn basic greetings and
dialogues. Students with some previous language proficiency in Maya
can take an intermediate or advanced course as they choose. The Spanish
course is taught at undergraduate level and is also offered at the graduate
level. Both courses have classroom and experiential learning components.
Spanish textbook, TBA.
Recommended Books for Spanish
· The Book of Spanish Verbs —
501 Spanish Verbs or 701 Spanish Verbs
· Spanish-English Dictionary (pocket
· Spanish plastic crib sheet available
at university bookstores everywhere
Maya language books and materials
available in course packet forms on site at cost.
Learning Spoken Maya Audio Cassettes are
available on-site in Pisté.
Optional Suggested Reading (copies are
available to read in OSEA Library)
· Bill Hanks, Referential Practice.
(This book is written by a Maya linguist who discusses the cultural
grammar and linguistic syntax of the use of Maya as a spoken practice.
Large sections are difficult reading for the non-specialist, but it
would be an important sourcebook for advanced students wanting to learn
fluency in spoken Maya.)
· Spoken Yucatec Maya Maya Lesson Book
(textbook and audio tapes lessons 1-6) plus handout materials for grammar,
dictionary lists, and related materials. |