Locate ADO Bus Station in Valladolid on google maps
Make sure you buy the correct ticket for 1st and 2nd Class buses. ADO with red and white is 1st class and Oriente with orange and white is 2nd class. Always double check to make sure that you board the correct bus.
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Bus Schedule for Cancun to Valladolid, Both Directions
These times are good everyday, but can be verified at: www.ado.com.mx/ado/
How to Get from Valladolid to Pisté
If you take an ADO bus from Cancun or Playa del Carmen to Valladolid, you will then need to take either 2nd Class Oriente Bus or a Piste Shuttle to Piste. Get your ticket for the Oriente bus in the ADO bus station. See map and links above.
There are two Piste Taxi shuttle services between Piste and Valladolid. Both are same price. They are both located within 1 minute walking distance of the ADO bus. They can also take you directly to OSEA or to Posada Olalde if you ask the driver to drop you. Offer 5 or 10 pesos. It is worth it to save walking with luggage.
Piste Shuttle between Valladolid and Piste
When you exit the bus, you are shuttled out the front of the Bus Station. Exist the bus station and turn right. At the first street turn right again. Walk half way down the street. You will notice that you are walking behind the bus station where the buss entered to dock. When you get to the end of the bus station, cross the street and look for the shuttle buses or vans (they are called combi, and hold a max of 16 persons generally). You should see a little white sign that says "Pisté" This is the combi/van/shuttle that you want. Peek you head in and ask for the driver and departure time. The van is parked in front of a store that sells refrigerators, stoves and the like.
The cost is $30 pesos or so. Feel free to strike up a conversation and let them know why and where you are going!
If you arrive after the last departure, then you have two options: hire a cab for $150 pesos/$15 US or try to find a second class bus from Valladolid (same bus station) to Pisté. If you arrive between 9:30/ and 12midnight, the vans have left and you may have to wait for a bus. thus, a taxi does not seem so bad!
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