Getting Around Mérida
Merida Lodging below
The Mérida Street System
Most of the streets are numbered with the exception of big avenues and
boulevards All streets are one way except the avenues and boulevards.
Even numbered streets are North-South
Odd numbered streets are East-West
The CENTER of town is a square formed by Calles 60 and 62 and 61 and 63
Calle 60 is on the EAST side of the Square. 62 on the WEST
Calle 60 goes north, Calle 62 goes south.
Calle 61 is on the NORTH side of the square. 63 is on the SOUTH
Calle 61 goes west and Calle 63 goes east.
The center of a town or town square is called zocalo in Spanish, kiwik in Maya.
Mérida is divided into colonias and fraccionamentos.
Each neighborhood has streets with the same numbers and addresses.
An address with just house and street name could be anywhere in the city!!!
Some colonias have the same name and are differentiated by I, II, III.
Colonias and fraccionamientos can also have the same name:
For example there is Colonia Miraflores and Frac. Miraflores.
Thus, remember the name of colonia and fraccionamento to avoid getting lost.
Merida Lodging
Online Hostel Listings/Search Sites for Mérida
These often mix true hostels with budget hotels and mixed hostel/posada types lodging.
So for example there are no hostels listed for Piste on, but if your search hostels in Chichen Itza, you get the ex-Club Med owned Villas Arqueologicas. A great little, 3 star hotel, but not a hostel in any possible galaxy --
⇒ The Nest Backpackers Hostel
⇒ Hostel World
⇒ The Nest Backpackers Hostel
⇒ Lonely Planet Budget & Hostels in Merida
Hostels The hostels are further south, near Bus Station, or further east of the downtown.
Nomadas Hostel, most established, is one of the few exceptions on Calle 64 north of Square at about Calle 47.
Hostel Zocalo is new, right on the square, south side, 2nd floor. Check out listings at:
The Nest Backpackers Hostel
Budget Hotels for Downtown Mérida
These are all ones that I have tried over the decades and I can recommend them. Perhaps my favorite today of this selection would be the Toledo; it is a renovated colonial building that is still not yuppified. It has a good breakfast restaurant and really lovely rooms.
The Grand Hotel in the middle of Parque Hidalgo is also an excellent choice, and it seems that their prices have dropped from the luxury class to a more affordable high end. If you are a group, DEFINITELY rent a suite -- junior or norma. No pool however Hotel Oviedo
Hotel Toledo -- the first floor rooms are colonial, upstairs are modern/contemporary style
Hotel Mucuy
Hotel Caribe
Hotel Trinidad, two locations -- for the glamours alternative/eco backbacker
Hotel Santa Lucia
Budget Hotels for Downtown Mérida
MÉRIDA AIRPORT. If you arrive in
Merida airport bring at least $20 US in singles, plus a few $5, $10s and $20s. Use a $20 to pay for a taxi and change money when you get downtown. The public bus would
be 4 pesos (you may have to wait 20-30 for the public bus, but entails
significant savings). In Mérida there are casas de cambio on
59 entre [between] 60 and 61. These are easy access, good rates, and
quick. The best exchange rates in town are at one of two stalls in the
Hotel Fiesta Americana. Sometimes the AmEx is superior rate, sometimes
not, but AmEx has limited hours and lines whereas the others are almost
always rapid service and open till 9pm.
Yucatantoday is a local travel info website
Transportation in general
Buses and Taxis in Mérida and Yucatán
Travel Agencies and Airlines in Mérida
Maps (including a map of Mérida)
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