OSEA-CITE: Ethnography of the Future/Interdisciplinary
Cultural Anthropology/Study Abroad
Workshop Structure & Dynamics
In this intellectual ambience, the OSEA Director, Dr.
Quetzil Castañeda, provides each participant one-on-one
assistance to help you develop, improve, and bring your writing
project to successful completion. The OSEA staff provides individualized
feedback, commentary, and editorial advice for each participant.
Individual, one-on-one discussions with participants about projects
are combined with the editing and proofing of successive drafts
of manuscripts.
Each group forum consists of brief presentations of the work accomplished,
including the problems and successes of writing. This is followed
by an extended commentary by one or more participants and staff
and an open forum of discussion on the manuscript. The precise time
allotments are dependent upon the determination of the grou and
are based on variables related to the specific needs of the participants.
For Forum discussion, one participant will be designated the primary
commentator for each presenter. This person will be responsible
for closely reading the manuscript and starting the discussion.
A system of rotation will be devised so that each participant can
benefit from the focused assistance of all the other participants.
OSEA staff function as Forum facilitators and will be responsible
for guiding the discussion.
Where possible each participant is requested to provide OSEA with
a working manuscript in advance of the workshop. OSEA distributes
these to all the other participants so that WE may ALL read each
other’s work prior to arrival in Mérida. This will
allow us to make the most of our time at the initiation of the workshop.