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OSEA-CITE: Ethnography of the Future/Interdisciplinary Cultural Anthropology/Study Abroad
Past Participants & Projects

2004 OSEA Ethnography Writer’s Workshop

Josh Kaplan (University of Chicago, Chicago, USA). Writing of introduction chapter to Ph.D. Dissertation and revision of two additional, already written chapters.

Lilia Lizama Aranda de Rogers (Facultad de Ciencias Antropológicas de la Universidad de Yucatán, Mérida, México). Writing of introduction chapter to Masters Thesis in Archaeology.

Linda D·Amico (Winona College, Minnesota, USA). Revision of book manuscript, Otavalan Women, Global Networking and Transcultural Community.

Maria Rogal (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA). Analysis of research materials on the visual cultures of Playa del Carmen, Q. Roo, and Mérida, Yucatán that derived from MIRA 2004; graphic design of poster and preparation of papers for conferences in Guadalajara, México, and Havana, Cuba; and, the writing of two journal articles: "What is an Ethnographic Photograph?" and "Mérida In the World: Cultural Revitalization and Tourism" (with Quetzil Castañeda).

Patricia Fortuny Loret de Mola (CIESAS Peninsular /Centro de Investigación y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, Mérida, Yucatán , México). Writing of chapter for a collected volume on Mexican migration to the USA, "Transnational Hetzmek: Ritual and Religion among Yucatec Maya Migrants in San Francisco, California and in Oxkutzcab, Yucatán."

Quetzil Castañeda (OSEA, Seattle, USA, and Mérida, México). Final Revisions of journal manuscript on the aesthetics of Maya tourism art from Chichén Itzá, "The Aura of Indifference: Hybridity and Maya Modernity," and the writing of two journal articles, "What is an Ethnographic Photograph?" and "Mérida In the World: Cultural Revitalization and Tourism" (both co-authored with Maria Rogal).