Summer Field School in Ethnography MIRA: Multimedia Interdisciplinary Research
in Anthropology
A collaborative and comparative study of tourism destinations and
MIRA Faculty Dr. Quetzil E. Castañeda
Anthropology, OSEA Director and MIRA Program Director
PhD 1991, University at Albany, SUNY
Castañeda has worked in the Yucatán region of México
for over twenty years, and has extensive experience and knowledge of
all things Yucatecan. Among Castañeda's publications is the book
In the Museum of Maya Culture (University of Minnesota Press
1996) and the documentary ethnographic film Incidents of Travel in
Chichén Itzá (D.E.R. 1997). Castañeda critically
explores the invention of “culture” and the collusion and
complicity of the diverse interests of its producers including the tourist
sector, anthropological institutions, governments, and the maya community.
Castañeda’s recent publications include commentaries in
Current Anthropology on Maya essentialism
and on Mesoamerican archaeologies as well as essays published in Critique
of Anthropology on Manuel Gamio and Boas, American
Ethnologist on the ethnographic study of modern Maya art, and
the Journal of Latin American Anthropology
on Maya identity politics. He is currently writing on the theory, methods,
and ethics of ethnographic fieldwork and has essays under review at
Cultural Anthropology and Cultural
Studies»Critical Methodologies. In 2002–2003 Castañeda
was a Fulbright Fellow at the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
in Anthropology. He has taught at the University of Houston, University
of Hawaii, and Princeton, and is an Affiliate Faculty in Anthropology
at the University of Washington. He is the Co-Founder and Director of
OSEA, which he developed as an innovative and socially responsible research
and teaching institution in Yucatán. more
information »
Affiliate Faculty Dr. Juan Castillo Cocom
Anthropology, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional–Mérida
PhD 2000, Florida International University
Castillo Cocom’s doctoral dissertation was an ethnographic study
on Maya identity and the related North American cultural anthropology
discourse. He is the author of various articles on identity and specifically
has written on Maya identity politics. Castillo Cocom’s current
research project is an ethnography and history of the protestant mission
in Xocenpich, Yucatán. He is an authority on the infamous “Cultivo
Yucateco,” and characters types, personalities, and the popular
culture of Yucatán. If one spends an afternoon with Castillo
Cocom, it will become clear that he circulates freely in the popular
and intellectual circles of Mérida and provides unique insight
on both, not to mention he is an excellent resource on the people, practices,
and place of Yucatán. He teaches at the Universidad Pedagógica
Nacional-Mérida and has taught at Florida International University,
the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, CINVESTAV, and the
Universidad de la Habana, Cuba. In 2003, he was the Yucatán academic
seminar leader for the Fulbright Hays Summer Seminar on Indigenous Cultures
and Environmental Issues in México and Costa Rica. Castillo Cocom
is the Co-Founder of OSEA.
Dr. Patricia Fortuny Loret de Mola
Anthropology, CIESAS Peninsular
PhD 1995, University College London
Fortuny, who has directed and participated in national and international
research projects in Yucatán and Jalisco, México, has
in-depth experience of the anthropology of religion. She has participated
in projects that focus on international migration and religion at the
University of Houston, University of San Francisco, and the University
of Florida. Fortuny is a Professor and Researcher (Title C) at CIESAS,
where she has worked since 1988. She is the author of two books and
more than 60 articles and chapters on religion, conversion narrative,
secularization, and transnational migration. She is a National Researcher
of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel II and the recipient
of Fulbright and Rockefeller Foundation Grants.
Dr. Betty Faust
Anthropology, CINVESTAV Mérida
PhD, Syracuse University
Faust is a Full (category 3 of 3) Professor at CINVESTAV (Mérida,
Yucatán) at the department of Human Ecology. She is also a member
of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores [SNI] (Category 2 of 3). The
SNI is an elite academic Mexican organization that unites the topmost
researchers of Mexico of all scientific disciplines. Her research has
focused on questions of the cultural interface between Maya communities
and the natural world, cosmology, healing and healers, development,
applied anthropology, and cultural ecology. She has been the primary
advisor and reader on more than a dozen masters theses and doctoral
dissertations in anthropology and inter-disciplinary studies. She has
been the primary advisor and reader on more than a dozen masters theses
and doctoral dissertations in anthropology and inter-disciplinary studies.
She has many articles published in US and Mexican journals and has authored
the ground-breaking ethnographic study, Mexican Rural Development and
the Plumed Serpent: Technology and Maya Cosmology in the Tropical Forest
of Campeche, México (1998). more
information »