Quetzil E. Castañeda (continued
from previous page)
Grants and Fellowships
2007 Ko’ox Tsikbal Maaya T’aan / “Lets Talk Maya” Video Project. Seed Grant, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Indiana University
2005 Principal Project Director, with Chris Matthews. Wenner Gren Workshop Grant, The Public Meanings of the Past: Sociological Archeology and Archeological Ethnography. Held by OSEA (Host Institution), Chichén Itzá, México, June 1-5, 2005
2003 Principal Project Director. Grant, Academic Specialists Program, US-Embassy, México. Workshop on Anthropological Research on Yucatec Maya Migration to the USA. Institutional Collaborators: UADY, CIESAS, INI, INAH, INDEMAYA. Mérida, México. March 26-30
2002 – 2003 Fulbright and Garcia Robles Scholar, Combined Teaching and Research Award for Mexico. Research on the History of Anthropology in Yucatán and México
2000 Library Research Grant, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Chicago, to study archival materials in the Robert Redfield and Mesoamerica Special Collections
1998 – 1999 US-México Fund for Cultural Studies (sponsored by Rockefeller Foundation, Fundación Bancomer, and Mexican Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes) to support the research and exhibition projects of the Field School in Experimental Ethnography
1998 Grant, Program to Enhance External Research, University of Houston
1997 Faculty Instructional Development Grant, University of Houston
1996 – 1997 Co-author, Curriculum Development Grant, College Humanities, Fine Arts, & Communications, University of Houston. To create an American Cultures Program
1996 Curriculum Development Grant, College of Humanities and Fine Arts, University of. Houston. To develop two courses for American Cultures Program
1996 Mexican American Studies Research Grant, University of Houston
1996 Research Grant, Limited Grant In Aid, University of Houston
1995 Research Grant, Limited Grant In Aid, University of Houston
1994 Mexican American Studies Research Grant, University of Houston
1994 Book Subvention Grant, Limited Grant In Aid, University of Houston
1992 Research Initiation Grant, University of Houston
1987 – 1990 National Science Foundation, Doctoral Dissertation Grant
1987 – 1988 Fulbright Hays Doctoral Dissertation Training Grant
Awards and Honors
1998 Second Place in Archeology and Material Culture Category, Film Festival of the Royal Anthropological Institute, INCIDENTS OF TRAVEL IN CHICHÉN ITZÁ by Jeff Himpele and Quetzil E. Castañeda. Goldsmiths College, London. September 17-19.
1997 Honorable Mention, Society for Visual Anthropology Film Festival, for INCIDENTS OF TRAVEL IN CHICHÉN ITZÁ by Jeff Himpele and Quetzil E. Castañeda.
1997 Margaret Mead Film Festival, INCIDENTS OF TRAVEL IN CHICHÉN ITZÁ by Jeff Himpele and Quetzil E. Castañeda. American Museum Natural History, NYC, November 8.
» Research
» Teaching
» Publications
» Grants and Awards