OSEA Anthropology Ethnography Field School. OSEA Travel guide Yucatán, Chichén Itzá, Cancun, Maya Riviera. Chichen Travel information for hotels in Cancun. Bus Schedule for Chichén Itzá, Maya Riviera Hotels, Tulum hotels and bus Schedule, Tulum travel information. Ethnography equipment research guide. Study abroad preparation for travel. Cancun Tips, Playa del Carmen Travel Information, Cancun Airport, Merida Airport. Cozumel, Cruise port. Meridan En Domingo. Hotels in Playa del Carmen, travel and hotel information Chichen Itza, hotels in Piste, Yucatan, things to do in Chichen Itza, Balankanche. Buses in Yucatan

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OSEA Resources: Student Scholarships and Summer Study ABroad Funding Resources

Major Sources of Summer Study Abroad Funding
Review these sites early in the fall sites to secure your funding for OSEA Summer 2011:
        Gilman Grants, for Undergrads on Pell Grants
        U.S. Fulbright and COMEXUS Funding for Mexico

The Global Studies Foundation offers study abroad grants with July App Deadlines (please contact OSEA in the spring or early summer if wish to apply to this funding for the purpose of attending OSEA in the following year)



Scholarships and Fellowships
There are many businesses and nonprofits that compile lists of student funding opportunities and options. OSEA does not support or endore any specific such resources and thus we cannot vouch for the accuracy of the information on those sites.

One consolidator of student funding has created the following list



Scholarship Scam Tips: Provides tips and pointers on avoiding scholarship scams
Scholarship Scams: a US Government site on scholarship scams



If you have a site or a link that would be appropriate for this page, please send us your recommendation. Thank you! web@osea-cite.org



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