OSEA Emerging Scholars Research Conference. Ethnography of Yucatan, Maya Ethnography, Advanced Seminar in Anthropology. Tourism in the Maya world, Tourism Development, Ecotourism. Anthropology of Tourism, Tourism Working Group, UNESCO Heritage, Mexico World Heritage, Latin American Anthropology, Quetzil Castaneda, Juan Castillo Cocom, Ronda Brulotte, Maya civilization, Maya calendar, Maya 2012, New Age Prophecy, Chichen Itza, Ek Balam, Valladolid, Merida, Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Universidad Intercultural, Maya revitalization, tourism impact, impact of tourism, ecotourism, sustainability, globalization. Emerging Scholars, new research, tourism conference, tourism studies, anthropology of tourism, Wenner Gren Workshop, Lynn Meskell, Mark Leone, Ann Pyburn, Lisa Breglia, Hugo Benavidea, Jeff Himpele, Richard Handler, Christopher Matthews.

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Online Abstract Submission for OSEA Emerging Scholars Research Seminar
Information Page for 2012 Emerging Scholars Research Seminar
Information Page for 2011 Emerging Scholars Research Seminar

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Access the Online Submission Form HERE

The Abstract Submission form does not allow for save and resume. Thus please be ready to supply the following information from your CV: current contact information, educational background (degrees, dates, disciplines, fields of study, thesis/dissertation titles, institutions). In addition, you are asked to provide an abstract of no more than 300 words and a response to this question in 200 words:

"Briefly characterize or describe the fieldwork on which your paper is based. In other words identify: Research Locations, methodologies, amount of time in field/conducting research, and give the year of when the research period(s) was conducted."



OSEA Emerging Scholars Research Seminar
The Emerging Scholars Research Seminar is an annual conference inaugurated in 2011. The objective is to provide new scholars the unique opportunity to engage in an intensive and focused dialogue with their peers on shared research questions and interests. The OSEA ESRS is designed on the model of an SAR Research Seminar(School for Advanced Research) but for emerging scholars -- that is, persons ranging in career status from advanced graduate students who have completed significant field research to recent Ph.D.s who have yet to publish their first book. The seminar is designed to stimulate critical and constructive commentaries that can lead to new and significant insights into the work of each participant and into the issues that are addressed. The constructive-critical dialogue is designed to lead to the publication of articles based on papers presented in the Seminar. To this end papers are circulated in advance and each participant is designated as commentator on a specific paper.


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