OSEA Course Credits are equivalent to standard course credits
offered at US institutions of higher education. Each OSEA course credit
should be transferable at a 1-1 ratio of credits equivalent to the credits
at student's home university or college.
Course Credit Equivalency Chart, updated February 2010 |
Classroom Standard Hours per
15 week semester *
Actual Contact Hours § Minimum |
Actual Contact Hours § Maximum
Semester Credits |
OSEA Actual Seminar Contact Hours ¹ |
OSEA Exp.Lrn Hours ² |
OSEA FldWrk Hours ³ |
OSEA Credits |
15 |
12 |
12.5 |
1 |
13 |
18 |
24 |
1 |
30 |
23 |
25 |
2 |
25 |
36 |
48 |
2 |
45 |
33.75 |
37.5 |
3 |
37 |
54 |
72 |
3 |
60 |
45 |
50 |
4 |
50 |
72 |
96 |
4 |
75 |
57 |
62.5 |
5 |
63 |
90 |
120 |
5 |
90 |
67.5 |
75 |
6 |
76 |
108 |
135 |
6 |
* Classroom Standard Hours are based on a 15
week semester course valued at 3 credits that meets 3 times a week for
50 minutes each period (150 minutes) or two times a week for 1 hour
& 15 minutes each period (135 minutes).
§ Actual Contact Hours range from 135 to 150 minutes (2.25 to 2.5
hours) for every 3 hours of weekly classroom time, based on a 3 credit
semester course conducted in 15 weeks of class time (i.e., not including additional weeks for reading and exam periods).
¹ OSEA Classroom Hours are actual hours of contact. The figure is the minimum number of hours used to calculate the credits of a course. The actual number of hours in a 3 credit course can vary according to course, program content and number of weeks in a program. The hours are defined based on the learning objectives of the course and adjusted by the practical necessity of structuring classroom and field practicum hours in a defined number of days per week and number of weeks per program. An OSEA course typically consists of contact hours that exceed the minimum number of hours for the specified number of course credits.
² OSEA Experiential Learning Hours are calculated at the rate of
1.5 experiential learning to classroom hours. Experiential Learning
includes hours spent in the field doing practicum, on-site learning,
field trips, and other related activities based in interactive learning
outside of classroom; these hours are based in the interactive exchange
of information between students and professor or other qualified knowledge
specialist or expert practitioner.
³ OSEA Fieldwork Research Hours are based on an equivalence of
2 Fieldwork Research Hour to 1 Classroom Standard Hour. OSEA has established
a standard expectation of six hours of fieldwork a day during periods
of independent research. These hours include both direct contact and
non-contact time; this does not include time necessarily given to general
cultural adaptation and immersion. Every hour of actual contact time
during ethnographic fieldwork entails a variable amount of non-contact
fieldwork which consists of writing and indexing of fieldnotes; transcribing
interviews and verbal data; organizing, cross-indexing, analysis, and
tabulation of collected data. Experts in the field estimate that ethnographers
spend 3 to 12 hours of such non-contact fieldwork per one hour of contact
fieldwork in these ancillary activities; the amount varies according
to factors such as research context as well as the media and technologies
of data collection and documentation. OSEA accepts as a standard for credit hour calculation the ratio of 3
hours of non-contact for every 1 hour of contact fieldwork.
Download this Course Credit Equivalency Chart in pdf format
Download this Ethnography Field School Syllabus and Course Credit Equivalency Chart in pdf.