Dr. Juan Castillo Cocom is at UCB Anthropology in Spring 2008
Juan was invited to join the new Universidad Inter-cultural Maya de Quintana Roo in the summer of 2007. The UIMQRoo was founded by Rector Dr. Francisco Rosado May and inaugurated in August 2007.
In 2006 Juan participated in the Conference, "Maya Bejlae" sponsored by the University of California at Berkeley and was invited to give a two day workshop at the UCB Center for Latino Policy Research on Maya identity politics organized by Dr. Patricia Baquedano in November 2007. Currently he is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology in spring 2008 and working with Dr. Baquedano on project on Maya migrants in San Francisco. Juan is teaching a graduate seminar at UCB on the concept of "ethnoexodus," a theory that critically frames the movement in and out of identities within contexts of multiplicities and the proliferation of indigeneities. He is currently writing on this new theory of politics and culture.
Castillo Cocom's recent publications include:
Castillo Cocom, Juan A.
2007. Maya Scenarios: Indian Stories In and Out of Context. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, vol. 96: 13-35.
Castillo Cocom, Juan A.
2005. "It Was Simply Their Word: Maya PRInces in YucaPAN and the Politics of Respect . Critique of Anthropology, vol. 25 (2): 131-155.
Castillo Cocom, Juan A.
2004. Lost in Mayaland. In Q.E. Castañeda and Ben Fallaw, eds., Special Issue, "The Maya Identity of Yucatan, 1500-1935" In Journal of Latin American Anthropology, vol. 9(1): 179-186.
Castillo Cocom, Juan A, and Quetzil E. Castanñeda, editors. 2004
Estrategias Identitarias: Educación y la antropología historica en Yucatán. Mérida, México: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional-Mérida, The Open School of Ethnography and Anthropology, and the Secretaría de Educación-Yucatán. -- Book Review of Estrategias by Paul Sullivan, published in Ethnohistory.
Castillo Cocom, Juan A.
2004. Perdido en Mayaland. En J.A. Castillo Cocom and Q.E. Castañeda, eds., Estrategias Identitarias. Merida: SEP, OSEA and UPN, pp. 121-128.
Castillo Cocom, Juan A.
2004. El Quincunx y el Encuentro de dos Dinastías en la Noche de los Tiempos: Dilemas de la Política Yucateca. En J.A. Castillo Cocom and Q.E. Castañeda, eds., Estrategias Identitarias. Merida: SEP, OSEA and UPN, pp. 255-282.